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发布时间:2023-12-10 10:55:01办公课堂评论
1.含有word这个单词的短语 In a word coin words (生)造新词 compound word 复合词 a man of few words 沉默沉静寡言的人 a man of many words 话多的人 a man of his word 措辞算数的人; 守信用的人 high [hot, sha


In a word coin words (生)造新词 compound word 复合词 a man of few words 沉默沉静寡言的人 a man of many words 话多的人 a man of his word 措辞算数的人; 守信用的人 high [hot, sharp, warm]words 争吵, 争论 a word of advice 奉劝话 honeyed words 花言巧语 a long word [口]一段很长的时间 a word and a blow 一句话差池头就动手; 一言不合就拔刀相向 说干就干, 翻脸无情 a word in season 实时的奉劝; 实时的意见 a word in your ear 跟你讲句暗暗话, 跟你讲句私话 a word of a sort 生气的话; 厉害的责骂 a word or two 一两句话; 简朴的攀谈; 简短的讲话 a word out of season 不适时宜的奉劝; 过期的意见 A word spoken is past recalling. [谚]一言既出, 驷马难追。

a word to the wise 大白人用不着多说; 随便提一句就够了 A word to the wise is enough [谚]智者一言已足; 大白人用不着细说。 A word to the wise is sufficient [谚]智者一言已足; 大白人用不着细说。

at a word (=with the word) 一听见呼吁就。; 顿时 at the word of command 【军】呼吁一下 bandy words (跟人)打骂, 扯皮; 争辩 be as good as one's word 说到做到, 措辞算数, 守信用 be unable to put two words together 一句话都说不清楚 be worse than one's word 食言, 失信 believe sth. on sb.'s bare word 轻信或人说的某事 better than one's word 所做的高出所承诺的; 比所允诺的还要慷慨 beyond words 无法用语言表达 break one's word 食言, 失信 bring word 传话, 通知 by word of mouth 口头地 clothe in words 用语言表达 eat one's words (被迫)收回媒介, 认可说错 take back one's words (被迫)收回媒介,抖客教程网, 认可说错 swallow one's words (被迫)收回媒介, 认可说错 exchange words with 与。

争辩; 与。打骂 Fine words butter no parsnips. [谚]好听的信誉不能当饭吃。

Fair words butter no parsnips. [谚]好听的信誉不能当饭吃。 Kind words butter no parsnips. [谚]好听的信誉不能当饭吃。

Soft words butter no parsnips. [谚]好听的信誉不能当饭吃。 Fine words dress ill deeds. [谚]蜜语甜言足以点缀恶行。

from the word go [口]从一开头; 从新到尾 get a word in edgeways 插嘴, 插一句话 get a word in edgewise 插嘴, 插一句话 get the last word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 have the last word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 say the last word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 get the final word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 have the final word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 say the final word 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 下结论, 说了算 get the word 获得呼吁[叮咛] [口]大白, 了解 get word 得到动静, 传闻, 得知 have word 得到动静, 传闻, 得知 give one's word 担保, 包袱; 承诺, 允诺 pass one's word 担保, 包袱; 承诺, 允诺 pawn one's word 担保, 包袱; 承诺, 允诺 pledge one's word 担保, 包袱; 承诺, 允诺 give one's word of honour 以名望包管 on one's word of honour 以名望包管 give sb. one's good word 推荐或人; 说或人好 give the word 说出通行口令 向官兵转达通行口令 发信号; 指示; 下呼吁 give words to 用语言表达 go back on one's word 食言, 失信 go behind sb.'s words 料到或人话中的深意 God's word 《圣经》; 《福音书》 (基督教的)道 good words [口]好好说, 不要那么凶 good words and no deeds 光说好听的话没有动作 Good words are worth much and cost little. (=Good words cost nothing, but are worth much.) [谚]好话不要资本, 但代价很大。 half a word 片言只字, 一两句话 hang on sb.'s words 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 hang upon sb.'s words 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 hang on sb.'s lips 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 hang upon sb.'s lips 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 hang on sb.'s every word 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 hang upon sb.'s every word 为或人的谈锋所迷, 倾听或人说的每一个字 Hard words break no bones. [谚]恶语伤不倒人。

have a word with sb. 和或人谈一两句话, 和或人谈谈 have no words for sth. 难以用言语形容某事 have no words for to express sth. 难以用言语形容某事 have words with 和。争论[争吵] in a few words 简朴说来, 总之 in a word 一句话, 总而言之 in one word 一句话, 总而言之 in other words 换句话说, 也就是说 in plain words 坦率地(说); 大白地(说) in so many words 一字不差地(说); 清楚地(说); 直截了内地(说) in word 口头上 in word and in deed 在言语上和动作上 in words of one syllable 用浅显明白的话说, 简朴明白地(说)。

is not the word for it [口]。这个字眼还不敷以形容 keep one's word 守信用, 推行信誉 hold one's word 守信用, 。


